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Welcome to the OpenDataCam Documentation. Below is a quickstart guide to get you started with OpenDataCam. Detailed information on installation options and configuration can be found in the respective subpages.


The quickest way to get started with OpenDataCam is to use the existing Docker Images.



# Download install script
wget -N

# Give exec permission
chmod 777

# Note: You will be asked for sudo password when installing OpenDataCam

# Install command for Jetson Nano
./ --platform nano

# Install command for Jetson Xavier / Xavier NX
./ --platform xavier

# Install command for a Laptop, Desktop or Server with NVIDIA GPU
./ --platform desktop

This command will download and start a docker container on the machine. After it finishes the docker container starts a webserver on port 8080 and run a demo video.


The docker container is started in auto-restart mode, so if you reboot your machine it will automaticaly start opendatacam on startup. To stop it run docker-compose down in the same folder as the install script.

Next Steps

Now you can…

  • Drag'n'Drop a video file into the browser window to have OpenDataCam analzye this file
  • Change the video input to run from a USB-Cam or other cameras
  • Use custom neural network weigts

and much more. See Configuration for a full list of configuration options.

How accurate is OpenDataCam?

Accuracy depends on which YOLO weights your hardware is capable of running.

We are working on adding a benchmark to rank OpenDataCam on the MOT Challenge (Multiple Object Tracking Benchmark)

How fast is OpenDataCam?

FPS depends on:

  • which hardware your are running OpenDataCam on
  • which YOLO weights you are using

We made the default settings to run at least at 10 FPS on any Jetson.

Learn more in the Configuration documentation